Team members and residents at our Ipswich care home are celebrating after receiving a ‘Good’ rating from the Care Quality Commission in their latest inspection.
The health watchdog praised our care home on Monmouth Close for ‘supporting people to have maximum choice and control’ of their care and two key areas were reviewed, meaning all are rated as ‘Good.’
The unannounced inspection took place on 13th May and the report that was published on 15th June said: “Staff and relatives were positive about how the service was led and that the manager was approachable… People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.”
One resident was quoted in the report saying: “I have got everything I need; it is like a holiday”, while another added, “I am very happy, they are brilliant, can’t fault the staff.”
Relatives were just as complementary, with one saying, “[I find the team] easy to talk to and accessible, [they] work hard and will call back in person if I need to speak to [the manager].”
General Manager at Avocet Court Care Home, Ruth Garnham said: “I am absolutely thrilled with our inspection outcome. I’d like to congratulate my team; they’ve worked tirelessly over the last few years and we’re seeing that recognised by our industry partners and, especially, within our local community.”